When people think about Gothic, they will think about something dark, evil, spooky, scary and creepy. It's clear that gothic is not only about music, it's a lifestyle, a certain sensibility. Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary defined the word "gothic" and he claimed that gothic is used in three ways. First of all, 'a building such as a cathedral that is gothic has a style of architecture that is distinguished by tall pillars, high vaulted ceilings and pointed arches.' Gothic is used to describe stories in which strange, mysterious adventures happen in dark and lonely places such as the ruins of a castle.' Gothic is also 'a style of printing or writing in which the letters are very ornate.'
The word 'gothic' is very old, and it was used since the Middle Ages and Renaissance era. It was named after the German tribe of the Goths, who once had invaded
In the 1980's a new gothic movement came to the surface. It was preceded by punk, which came into life at the end of the 70's when there was a need for a distinctive non-conformist alternative culture. "Gothic music articulated an explicit nonconformist stance vis-à-vis the dominant establishment - according to The Vampire Book; the Encyclopedia of the Undead:. It opposed narrow sexual mores and traditional established religions. (..) The music celebrated the dark, shadowy side of life and had a distinct fascination with death. Its slow, driving sound was frequently described as melancholy, gloomy, even morbid. Those enthralled by the new Gothic culture found the vampire the single most appropriate image for the movement".
Interview with I -Socks owner
His gave his opinion about
According to Lee, I – Socks had a really hard time to introduce this kind of fashion when he first opened the boutique several years before. In that time, this fashion is something new here and people needs time to get along with it. But his endeavor to introduce this kind of fashion makes it worth. Malaysian Gothic can buy their variety of stuff here instead of buy it from the internet before. Asking about what his overview about Gothic fashion in
Naim, who is one of the I – Socks stuffs said that she prefer Gothic then Lolita. For her, Lolita is too girlish and the music is quit soft. I asked her whether she does some Gothic research, she said that she read a lot to find out what Gothic actually mean. She had a Gothic group before she work with I –Socks but now she alone.
* For further information about I - Socks visit www.i-socksonline.com
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