About Me

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I enjoy wearing gothic cloths and become gothic.I don't care at all to those who criticize me. Being a Gothic, make me know myself much better. I am a law degree holder but currently further my study.I love Gothic fashion, music and architecture. Because of my love to the gothic world, makes me created this blog. I maybe small in size but I'm big in every other way. I'm an ambitious person and one day I know I will become a lawyer. I'm also a fully vegan its because I'm an animal lover.I wish someday people can accept Gothic or at least people will not look at us like we are freak. We are just a normal people, so do you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Les Litanies de Satan - Poem by Charles Baudelaire

Les Litanies de Satan

Ô toi, le plus savant et le plus beau des Anges,
Dieu trahi par le sort et privé de louanges,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Ô Prince de l'exil, à qui l'on a fait tort
Et qui, vaincu, toujours te redresses plus fort,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi qui sais tout, grand roi des choses souterraines,
Guérisseur familier des angoisses humaines,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi qui, même aux lépreux, aux parias maudits,
Enseignes par l'amour le goût du Paradis,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Ô toi qui de la Mort, ta vieille et forte amante,
Engendras l'Espérance, — une folle charmante!

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi qui fais au proscrit ce regard calme et haut
Qui damne tout un peuple autour d'un échafaud.

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi qui sais en quels coins des terres envieuses
Le Dieu jaloux cacha les pierres précieuses,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi dont l'oeil clair connaît les profonds arsenaux
Où dort enseveli le peuple des métaux,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi dont la large main cache les précipices
Au somnambule errant au bord des édifices,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi qui, magiquement, assouplis les vieux os
De l'ivrogne attardé foulé par les chevaux,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi qui, pour consoler l'homme frêle qui souffre,
Nous appris à mêler le salpêtre et le soufre,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi qui poses ta marque, ô complice subtil,
Sur le front du Crésus impitoyable et vil,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Toi qui mets dans les yeux et dans le coeur des filles
Le culte de la plaie et l'amour des guenilles,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Bâton des exilés, lampe des inventeurs,
Confesseur des pendus et des conspirateurs,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!

Père adoptif de ceux qu'en sa noire colère
Du paradis terrestre a chassés Dieu le Père,

Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère!


Gloire et louange à toi, Satan, dans les hauteurs
Du Ciel, où tu régnas, et dans les profondeurs
De l'Enfer, où, vaincu, tu rêves en silence!
Fais que mon âme un jour, sous l'Arbre de Science,
Près de toi se repose, à l'heure où sur ton front
Comme un Temple nouveau ses rameaux s'épandront!


Satan's Litanies

Aptest angel and the lovliest!
a God betrayed, to whom no anthems rise,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Prince of exiles, exiled Prince who, wronged,
yet rises ever stronger from defeat,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Omniscient ruler of the hidden realm,
patient healer of all human pain,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Who even to lepers and such outcast scum
by love inculcates all we know of bliss,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Who gave to Death, your oldest paramour,
a child both lunatic and lovely—Hope!

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Who grants the criminal’s last look of pride
that damns the crowd beneath the guillotine,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Who knows each cranny in the grudging earth
where gems are hidden by a jealous God

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Whose eye can pierce the deepest arsenal
where buried metals slumber in the dark,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Within whose mighty arm the sleepwalker
avoids the rooftop’s yawning precipice,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Who magically rescues the old bones
of drunkards trampled by the horses’ hooves,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Who to console our sufferings has taught
how readily shot and powder may be mixed,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Who sets your sign, in sly complicity,
upon the rich man’s unrelenting brow,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Who lights in women’s greedy hearts and eyes
worship of wounds, rapacity for rags,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

The outlaw’s staff and the inventor’s lamp,
confessor to the traitor, hanged man’s priest,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!

Adoptive father to those an angry God
the Father drove from His earthly paradise,

Satan, take pity on my sore distress!


Satan be praised! Glory to you on High
where once you reigned in Heaven, and in the
Pit where now you dream in taciturn defeat!
Grant that my soul, one day, beneath the Tree
of Knowledge, meet you when above your brow
its branches, like a second Temple, spread!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Fact That I Didn't Call or Text

This post,aq tulis dalam BM cuz aq dedicate tuk certain people je.....Since ini adalah "main" blog aq,terpaksalah aq tulis kat cniy..

Firstly,aq nak mintak maaf kat sume member cuz aq menghilang tiba2...
Aq m.i.a, x angkat phone & x online berbulan2...
xbukak fb,myspace
and even x wat blog...

Something happen to me during that time,tapi x perlulah aq cakap kat sini...cuma aq ley gtau yg tue huge probs.
Even time tu mmg aq perlukan member, tapi aq rase aq lebih suke sendiri.......
Byk gak yg call aq tapi aq xjawabwb,aq xtaw nak ckp pe...
Bile korunk text aq,aq x balas.....
Really sorry for that..
Aq start online nie pon awal bln October bile aq dah okay...and da recover sikit

One more thing,aq wat blog nie tuk member aq Az....
Sorry sgt2...I haven't answer you and didn't reply your text..
Saya taw yg awak byk text saya....berkali2 tapi saya x balas..
Maaf sangat2....
Saya tak sure kalau awak bace this post ataw x...tapi saye rase awak penah bukak blog nie...
And hope this time you gonna read this..
Skang nie saye cume xtaw camne nak text awak...sebab da lame x ckp ngan awak...
hope ley jadi cam dulu...
tapi kalu x bley x pe lah...Saye paham..

aq pon da x taw nak tulis ape lagi
cume tu je la yg aq nak gtau
Skali lagi aq nak mintak maaf
korunk dapat maafkan aq
k lah

p/s: this blog is dedicated for certain people only,so I didn't used fully English.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween- Part 2

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, visiting "haunted houses" and carving jack-o-lanterns. Like any other festival's history, Halloween is inspired through traditions that have transpired through ages from one generation to another.

Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain (pronounced "sah-win"). Samhain’s festival is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture. Samhain was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and prepare for winter. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and the deceased would come back to life and cause havoc such as sickness or damaged crops. The festival involves bonfires which are now significant to Halloween. However masks and consumes were worn in an attempt to mimic the evil spirits or appease them.

Behind the name, Halloween, means All Hallows Eve, or the night before the 'All Hallows', also called 'All Hallowmas', or 'All Saints', or 'All Souls' Day, observed on November 1. In old English the word 'Hallow' meant 'sanctify'. Roman Catholics, Episcopalians and Lutherians used to observe All Hallows Day to honor all Saints in heaven, known or unknown.

Trick-or-treating, is an activity for children on or around Halloween in which they proceed from house to house in costumes, asking for treats such as confectionery with the question, "Trick or treat?" The "trick" part of "trick or treat" is a threat to play a trick on the homeowner or his property if no treat is given. Trick-or-treating is one of the main traditions of Halloween. It has become socially expected that if one lives in a neighborhood with children one should purchase treats in preparation for trick-or-treaters.

Part of the history of Halloween is Halloween costumes. The practice of dressing up in costumes and begging door to door for treats on holidays goes back to the Middle Ages, and includes Christmas wassailing. Trick-or-treating resembles the late medieval practice of "souling," when poor folk would go door to door on Hallowmas (November 1), receiving food in return for prayers for the dead on All Souls Day (November 2). It originated in Ireland and Britain, although similar practices for the souls of the dead were found as far south as Italy. Shakespeare mentions the practice in his comedy The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1593), when Speed accuses his master of "puling [whimpering, whining], like a beggar at Hallowmas."

Fall celebrations of life and death are common in most cultures. The way modern folks relate to the dead, the supernatural, their fears, and their futures has changed. What we do at Halloween and what it does for us, various from individual to individual and group to group depending on our beliefs, backgrounds, sexual orientation, even employment

Whatever its history, Halloween is anything but a dead tradition. It is, perhaps, more alive and more meaningful now than ever before.