About Me

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I enjoy wearing gothic cloths and become gothic.I don't care at all to those who criticize me. Being a Gothic, make me know myself much better. I am a law degree holder but currently further my study.I love Gothic fashion, music and architecture. Because of my love to the gothic world, makes me created this blog. I maybe small in size but I'm big in every other way. I'm an ambitious person and one day I know I will become a lawyer. I'm also a fully vegan its because I'm an animal lover.I wish someday people can accept Gothic or at least people will not look at us like we are freak. We are just a normal people, so do you.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Fact That I Didn't Call or Text

This post,aq tulis dalam BM cuz aq dedicate tuk certain people je.....Since ini adalah "main" blog aq,terpaksalah aq tulis kat cniy..

Firstly,aq nak mintak maaf kat sume member cuz aq menghilang tiba2...
Aq m.i.a, x angkat phone & x online berbulan2...
xbukak fb,myspace
and even x wat blog...

Something happen to me during that time,tapi x perlulah aq cakap kat sini...cuma aq ley gtau yg tue huge probs.
Even time tu mmg aq perlukan member, tapi aq rase aq lebih suke sendiri.......
Byk gak yg call aq tapi aq xjawabwb,aq xtaw nak ckp pe...
Bile korunk text aq,aq x balas.....
Really sorry for that..
Aq start online nie pon awal bln October bile aq dah okay...and da recover sikit

One more thing,aq wat blog nie tuk member aq Az....
Sorry sgt2...I haven't answer you and didn't reply your text..
Saya taw yg awak byk text saya....berkali2 tapi saya x balas..
Maaf sangat2....
Saya tak sure kalau awak bace this post ataw x...tapi saye rase awak penah bukak blog nie...
And hope this time you gonna read this..
Skang nie saye cume xtaw camne nak text awak...sebab da lame x ckp ngan awak...
hope ley jadi cam dulu...
tapi kalu x bley x pe lah...Saye paham..

aq pon da x taw nak tulis ape lagi
cume tu je la yg aq nak gtau
Skali lagi aq nak mintak maaf
korunk dapat maafkan aq
k lah

p/s: this blog is dedicated for certain people only,so I didn't used fully English.

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