About Me

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I enjoy wearing gothic cloths and become gothic.I don't care at all to those who criticize me. Being a Gothic, make me know myself much better. I am a law degree holder but currently further my study.I love Gothic fashion, music and architecture. Because of my love to the gothic world, makes me created this blog. I maybe small in size but I'm big in every other way. I'm an ambitious person and one day I know I will become a lawyer. I'm also a fully vegan its because I'm an animal lover.I wish someday people can accept Gothic or at least people will not look at us like we are freak. We are just a normal people, so do you.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Superstitions of the Black Cats

As it passes in front of you, your mind instantly snaps out of its pre-occupation. You are suddenly aware of what has happened...

...a black cat has crossed your path!

Does a black cats really brings you a bad luck?

Whether you believe black cats to be good or bad luck could depend on where it is in the world that you live, and even within different countries, there exists differing beliefs, and superstitions concerning black felines.

In United States or most European countries, if a black cat passing in front of you will make you believe that no matter dismals things are now, things are going to get worse. If you live in United Kingdom or Japan, it will probably make you smile and think the good fortune is on its way. Live in Germany make you think that black cat passing in front of you is probably a bad omen. In China, there are those who believe that the black cats as a harbingers of famine and poverty.

In most parts of the world it is thought that a black cat walking towards you is a certainty of good luck coming your way. Should the cat stop and turn away, before it reaches you, then don't take any risks or place any bets, fair fortune is not to be yours.

Chasing black cats out of your house is a certain way to ensure that yours will not be a lucky house. Stroking the fur of black felines will bring you both health, and wealth. In some fishing communities, the fishermen's wives keep their cats indoors, believing that this will keep their men folk safe from peril whilst at sea.

Many people around the world believe that there is a single white hair to be found, on even the blackest of cats. Pull out that hair, without getting a scratch, and yours will be a long, happy and prosperous marriage.

Whatever the local superstitions about cats that are black, most owners of cats consider themselves lucky and blessed. And indeed it is a blessing to own a cat, black or not.

Black Cats and a Witch

Read tales, or myths, about witches, and those tales will almost always involve black kittens and cats.

How did the small, endearing, domestic cat become so associated with witchcraft and the evil arts?

In the 15th century witch hunts were taking place across Europe in an effort to stamp out pagan religions. Many held the belief that all witches kept familiars. These familiars were small creatures, frogs, birds, snakes and such, and very often cats. Folklore held that witches used the power of their familiars in casting evil spells.

Many elderly people led solitary, isolated lives, with only a pet cat for company. If that cat was black, a color associated with magic and mystery, was that not proof that the unfortunate victim, was a witch or warlock?

If some disaster befell a village, and an elderly woman lived nearby with her old dark cat, it was easy to denounce the poor wretch as a witch, and blame the disaster on her.

Ludicrously biased trials were held, and the accused was inevitably found guilty. Cruel executions were performed, such as burning at the stake of both the witches and their feline companions.

Many stories exist about people being identified as witches through wounds inflicted upon black cats.

A story from Scotland tells of a powerful landowner who found his supplies of wine to keep mysteriously disappearing. Determined to catch the thief, he hid himself in his wine cellar.

French medieval records tell of a woman accused of witchcraft who confessed, probably under torture, to rubbing herself with a foul ointment. This she claimed turned her into a black cat so she could move unseen at night and practice her evil art.

Germany has lots of legends of black coated cats and witches. While being sentenced to death, a German witch cackled at the judge, spat threats to the priest, and cursed her executioner. She was dragged from the court and tied to a stake for burning. As the flames rose around her she let forth a deafening cackle, there was a flash and a black cat leapt from the flames and escaped amongst the astonished crowd.

King Charles the first of England owned a black cat. He believed this cat to be lucky and was so afraid of losing it he had it guarded day and night. Coincidentally the cat died the very day before Oliver Cromwell's parliamentary troops came and arrested the king. Shortly after, King Charles was taken to the scaffold and beheaded.

Hopefully this page has been helpful in supplying information about the myths and superstitions surrounding Black Kittens and Cats. Remember that these dark felines are the same as any other cats - lovable, affectionate creatures, that if cared for, give years of companionship.

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