About Me

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I enjoy wearing gothic cloths and become gothic.I don't care at all to those who criticize me. Being a Gothic, make me know myself much better. I am a law degree holder but currently further my study.I love Gothic fashion, music and architecture. Because of my love to the gothic world, makes me created this blog. I maybe small in size but I'm big in every other way. I'm an ambitious person and one day I know I will become a lawyer. I'm also a fully vegan its because I'm an animal lover.I wish someday people can accept Gothic or at least people will not look at us like we are freak. We are just a normal people, so do you.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Death Gothic Poem: The Necromancer

'tis said a man dies not, for those who loved
Preserve his life in treasured memory.
No tender thought of thee 'gainst death can win,
For too soon, thou hast perished, thou art free.
No sweet remembered touch, nor fond visage
Comes to light my own obscurity.

The silent sands alone haunt thought and dream,
A barren calm, the failure of all strife,
Exhausted pyre where brightness found an end.
The necromancer's rite brings naught to life:
Recall, remember! Fool, who seeks to bind,
Wild evocation spent in hopeless quest--
No voice responds; bleak vision fills the mind:
The blackened ground where love was laid to rest.

No need in me remains for sight or sense,
To wander where we dreamed, and loved, and wept,
Nor dwell in graveyards of experience:
Though faith is broken, bitter vow is kept.
He cannot live through me; this shattered frame
Holds no bright ghost; the vision, growing dim,
Transmutes to ashes ravaged by the flame.
It falls to me, therefore, to follow him.
The promise sworn that death should never part,
Borne out, the vow much stronger than the heart

-written by Erszebet Bathory

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Symbolic Meaning of the Pentagram

Types Of Pentagram

The Pentagram is a symbol of a star encased in a circle. Always with 5 points (one pointing upward), each has its own meaning. The upward point of the star is representative of the spirit. The other four points all represent an element; earth, air, fire, and water. All these things contibutite to life and are a part of each of us. The 5 pointed star represent human body and the number 5 is symbolic to human being. Human have five fingers/toes on each limb extremity. Human commonly note five senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Human perceive five stages or initiations in our lives - eg. birth, adolescence, coitus, parenthood and death. The number 5 is associated with Mars. It signifies severity, conflict and harmony through conflict. In Christianity, five were the wounds of Christ on the cross. There are five pillars of the Muslim faith and five daily times of prayer.

The number 5 is prime. The simplest star - the pentagram - requires five lines to draw and it is unicursal; it is a continuous loop

Protection against evil

The pentagram has long been believed to be a potent protection against evil, a symbol of conflict that shields the wearer and the home. The pentagram has five spiked wards and a womb shaped defensive, protective pentagon at the centre.

Five Elements

The five elements contains four of matter (earth, air, fire and water) and the quintessential - spirit. These may be arrayed around the pentagrams points. The word quintessential derives from this fifth element - the spirit. Tracing a path around the pentagram, the elements are placed in order of density - spirit (or aether). fire, air, water, earth. Earth and fire are basal, fixed; air and water are free, flowing.

The single point upwards signifies the spirit ruling matter (mind ruling limbs); is a symbol of rightness. With two points up and one (spirit) downwards, subservient, the emphasis is on the carnal nature of Man.

The pentagram as a Christian symbol

At the medieval times, the five points of the pentagram represented the five wounds of Christ on the Cross. It was a symbol of Christ the Saviour. This is in stark contrast to today where the pentagram is criticized by modern Fundamentalist Christians, as being a symbol of evil.The church eventually chose the cross as a more significant symbol for Christianity, and the use of the pentagram as a Christian symbol gradually ceased.

Inverted Pentagram

The pentagram may be inverted with one point down. The implication is of spirit subservient to matter, of man subservient to his carnal desires. The inverted pentagram has come to be seen by many pagans as representing the dark side and it is abhorred as an evil symbol. Fundamental christians, indeed, see any form of pentagram as such. However, these are recent developments and the inverted pentagram is the symbol of Gardnerian second degree initiation, representing the need of the witch to learn to face the darkness within so that it may not later rise up to take control. The center of a pentagram implies a sixth formative element - love/will which controls from within, ruling matter and spirit by Will and the controlled magical direction of sexual energies. This is another lesson of initiation.

When was the pentagram used as a satanic symbol?

However, in simpler terms, the truth is that the Church chose to demonize the pentagram (and the pentacle) because it was used in rituals and in the worship of the Old Gods. To the Church, anything that threatened their power and control over the masses was Satanic. It's similar, in fact, to the way that one of the principal Old Gods, Cernunos, became associated with the biblical Satan, although there's no scriptural basis for the comparison.

Satan is a pretty much purely Christian concept (Judaism has the Opposer, but the relationship between the two is tenuous at best). The Pentagram is far more ancient than Christianity. Sumerians and Babylonians, Indo-Europeans used the symbol for a long time without it relating in any way to the Christian "anti-God." In point of fact, it's only after the church demonizes the symbol that those who are opposed to the church (and are thus, according to the church, Satanists) begin using the symbol.Satanism is a construct of Christianity. The pentacle predates both, and has nothing, really, to do with either.

Unique to Satanism. A demonic deity and symbolic of Satan. Can be seen as jewelryIt is also now being used by the masons. It can be seen on their buildings and the emblems the put on their vehicles to identify each other.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Why people think gothic is feak?

When I wear my gothic outfit,this what i have to face with..

people staring and laughing

people will hates you

and if i get lucky i will heard they said

look at that gothic freak over there, she's look stupid;or

wow, she's so cool. She's can wear whatever she wants.

But is it true? Does gothic is freak? If they do,why there always have gothic community and this fashion never dies. As you already know, gothic is not a new subculture but its already existed since the Victorian era. Why those people brave enough to wear this kind of clothes even though they has know the consequences.I don't get it why do people have a problem or hate it when someone looks gothic.
When people see a girl wearing tons of black all the sudden every gothic stereotype is pined on them.

With the Goth look, people will assumed you are wearing it to be rebellious, a satanist or devil worshiper. Some who wear the goth look are doing just that, rebelling. Some have pretty bad attitudes. But there are some who just like the look and look great wearing it.
Generally gothic is a people who like the darker side of their life. Outcasts by choice, they listen to underground music because they dislike the mainstream and being a sheep to society. In most cases goths are very smart and artistic and have a sense of humor that can take a while to get used to (unless your a goth). Their humor is about just about everything from themselves to others, and it is intelligent humor. Goths aren't like the average and that's why their goths and contrary to popular belief, they are not all suicidal. In fact few are suicidal, just dark. Goths may come across as scary but are quite nice people. Becoming goth can be provoked by certain things in life that turn people into introverts, but they are still nice people.

Lisa from Seattle said that:
I am a goth. I am proud to be one. I don't think it matters if I dress in all black, because I'm nicer to ANYBODY than any chav could ever be? Why? Simple. Golden Rule. Too bad ignorant chavs and self centered preps have failed to realize that. And no, listening to Marilyn Manson will not make you 'goth'. Nor will he 'un-goth' you. Same with any band. I myself listen to bands like Crossfade and Disturbed, but then I also listen to heavier things like Metallica and Dragonforce. But it's not just music. It's how you are. And who you are. So before you pathetic chav's go to pick on that 'freak' think about this. Who's more pathetic? The kid in black or you, going to pick on him because your self esteem is too low and your ego too big. Not to mention your pants don't stay up.

MadameAmethystKnight said:
I have recently had many people saying that I am a little freaky with my ideas and looks, and because I am a gothic model I will never be cast for anything real or anything comercial based......Thing is I am not a comerical based model, and I am proud to not be the usual type of model you will see around.

But, I don't think gothic such a freak just because we wear black cloths and do listen to dark music. And if we do look different, its doesn't mean that we can be called weirdo. We are a normal person, just LIKE YOU.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Vampire: The Mysterious Creature

____ Vampire, this creature is refer to the blood-sucking undead of Eastern European legends, but it has been often extended to qualify similar legendary creatures in other traditions and cultures. Some define vampire as a blood-sucking ghost; a soul of a dead person superstitiously believed to come from the grave and wander about by night sucking the blood of persons asleep, thus causing their death. This superstition is now prevalent in parts of Eastern Europe, and was especially current in Hungary about the year 1730.Vampires are created through a process called the Embrace. The Embrace is similar to normal vampiric feeding - the vampire drains her chosen prey of blood. However, upon complete exsanguination, the vampire returns a bit of her own immortal blood to the drained mortal. Only a tiny bit - a drop or two - is necessary to turn the mortal into an undead. This process can even be performed on a dead human, provided the body is still warm.
____Once the blood is returned, the mortal "awakens" and begins drinking of his own accord. But, though animate, the mortal is still dead; his heart does not beat, nor does he breathe. Over the next week or two, the mortal's body undergoes a series of subtle transformations; he learns to use the Blood in his body, and he is taught the special powers of his clan. He is now a vampire.
____Some vampire clans Embrace more casually than others, but the Embrace is almost never given lightly. After all, any new vampire is a potential competitor for food and power. A potential childe is often stalked for weeks or even years by a watchful sire, who greedily evaluates whether the mortal would indeed make a good addition to the clan and the line.
____The vampire myth appears to have originated in Transylvania, according to the Stoker novel. Dracula is known to be the first vampire to be called. He is a placid man that appears harmless. His been treated as the curse of the surrounding towns, and the descendants of a strange disease.
____Today there are actually some cults of “vampires” that exist. These are the people who drink small amounts of blood from willing victims because they believe that it will give them power like a vampire.I did'nt how far the truth of this cult but its for those people who's believe in this.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Blonde Goth from GG

Her name is Jess Tyler and she's only 18 and she's from Australia.One thing that clear she's hates people who's had the wrong impression and judge her before that person had a chance to know her. She's consider herself as nice person with a heart too big for her chest and who cares about the ones she's love more than herself.She told me that she don't tolerate with anyone who's try to break her down. One things that she admitted about herself that she's sometimes speak something before she ever think about it. It's probably a bad attitude of her. She also admitted that she's insecure and lack confidence.She personally think she's the ugliest thing around and she hate her personality. She said that her friendship and trust are hard to gain, but easy to lose.She can easily forget about people who's messed up with her, like her said "I'll cut you from my heart quicker than you can say my name". I did'nt know what she's trying to find in her life bacause she seems like she's bored easily.Hmmm, maybe because she's only 18.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vrgin Black-Artist of the Month(AUGUST)

Virgin Black
is a band that combines gothic-doom and symphonic metalinfluences. They are from Australia and this band was formed in 1993 in Adelaide. Signed to The End Records (US) and Massacre Records(EU), the band has released 4 albums and 1 EP. One of the band's achievement are receiving praise from such magazines as Metal Hammer and The Village Voice.

As time passed by, they having changed their line-up several times. Virgin Black currently consists of the founding members and main songwriters Samantha Escarbe (guitar) and Rowan London (keyboard, vocals), with Grayh (bass) and Luke Faz (drums) joining in 2007. The group explains the meaning of its name as "the juxtaposition of purity and humanity's darkness".

Virgin Black combines elements of doom metal and classical music, and in its image, the band uses gothic aesthetics, which led a critic to describe their style as having influences of dark wave with gothic atmosphere"and "symphonic gothic-doom".Rooted in Death/Doom, Virgin Black states their influences the British group My Dying Bride, the American gothic metal band Savior Machine and 19th century classical music. Sombre Romantic features operatic elements combined with some doom and black metal influences, representing shrieking vocals, death growls and melodramatic tenor and baritone singing as well as choirs. Their sound is typically sorrowful representing mostly down-tempo arrangements. Occasionally the lead guitarist Samantha Escarbe plays a faster tremolo riffs typical for extreme metal, such as on "Drink the Midnight Hymn" from the debut album. Sometimes there are longer, mellow and emotional guitar solos such as on "Weep for Me". Certain songs such as "Walk without Limbs", combines ominous cello with programmed drums typical form Dark Wavemusic.

Virgin Black's lyrics are typically introspective, melodramatic and poetic, featuring gothic horror take on usually faith-based subjects. While members of Virgin Black have Christian beliefs, the band has often sought to explain that its music is an exploration of spirituality and attempts to highlight the difference between the Church and the spiritual aspects of Christianity. In response to a question on the "rel

igious atmosphere" in their music, Rowan London responded: "We write our music and lyrics from a personal perspective, hence they do have a particular moral and meaning but we also encourage people to shape it to fit their specific situation. "Museum Of Iscariot" for example was written from a spiritual view point and is describing the struggle to step beyond the limitations that we all seem to put on ourselves. However, even though its written within a spiritual context it can also be applied to many different aspects of life. Its important to understand that we're not trying to act as if we know everything about life, it would just be great to see more people considering things other than purely the material world.

Monday, August 10, 2009


My sub-culture would be considered more of a counter culture. I am and always will be a goth. Let’s explain goth. In gothic literature; there are some elements that are associated that are associated in the counter-culture, for example, sinister setting. Black as most everyone knows is the goth color, and one of my favorite quotes is, "I only like black until i can find something darker". Theatrical make up is also a priority. One aspect i find coincidental is the shoes. Like most gothic novels there is a tower. Some shoes in the gothic culture turn even the smallest human beings into giants. Another theme is abnormal mind set, I am not saying that all goths are depressed or psychopathic. But an abnormal mind set, in my opinion, is think preternaturally. Like many counter cultures the main stream thought is not enough, things need to be analyzed. Studying and dabbling in the abnormal psychology is always fun. The supernatural, another aspect of gothic literature include; monsters, ghosts, zombies, all wonderful creatures. Anyone over the age of twelve knows that these beings, sadly, do not exist. I hate to admit that Lestat will not come whisk me away. Some goths believe in fact that they are these creatures. But that is physically impossible, unless you’ve been lobotomized, and that only applies to the zombie character. How does this play in the gothic culture? MEDIA!!!! We all love Nosferatus, Frankenstein, Lestat and his fantastic vampire clan. Gothic media has evolved through the years. Just think, The Munsters, the Adams Family to The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy to Courage the Cowardly Dog. They are saturated in our literature also, The best example to me would be in The Martian Chronicles and the chapter titled as The House of Usher. Music is also laced with gothic culture, Toccata and Fuge by Bach to Concrete Blonde’s Blood Letting. The supernatural plays a major role in gothic culture. The last gothic element is imaginary over logic. The best example i can think of is Alice in Wonderland. Alice was board of books with no pictures, and down the rabbit whole she went and then through the looking glass. Fantasy is more fun than reality. How does this relate to me? 1) For many years I wore enormous pants and fishnet tops. My style of course has evolved and I’ve become lazy in appearance. Given the right mood I will paint elaborate swirls and script by my eyes, and load on the make-up. I will also squeeze myself into a corset, put on my bellowing and flowing skirt and tower over everyone in my six inch platform boots. My sinister setting. 2)Do I have an abnormal mindset? Yes, but that is none of your business. Do I think outside of the box? Yes, i always try to see and different view, and sometime sadistic view. 2) I grew up watching the supernatural, the Munsters, Adams Family, Ghost Hunters. I love supernatural music, especially Cradle of Filth's music. 3) Imaginary over logic; I use Alice in Wonderland is my all time favorite book, I love being detached and manipulating reality. Reality can be cold and mundane. I like to see things differently. I love creating stories and sometimes even living them. That is why I write, i love to live in an alternative reality.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fetish goth

Kinkyness has been a part of the Goth movement from the beginning since the first Goth musicians like Bauhaus started wearing chains, leather, fishnet and strappy bondage gear on stage. Today the image (and lifestyle) remains popular, with modern Fetish Goths having an even wider range of sexy bondage-related clothes available to choose from. Tattoos, piercings and other forms of body modification are also popular among this type. And they quite possibly all have a set of handcuffs, mask/gag and some sort of spanking implement in their bedside table.

Pretty much every Goth band has written a song about kinky sex at some point, so there’s no real preferential genre associated with Fetish Goths, although 80s New Wave (eg. Depeche Mode) and Industrial (eg. Throbbing Gristle) tend to be more fetishy than most.

As one might expect, the stereotypical Fetish Goth has tried everything at least once everywhere and in every position, with every gender. Or at least that’s what they’ll tell you.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Victorian Gothic

One of the biggest influences on Gothic fashion has been the imagery in Gothic literature and their movie counterparts, particular that of Victorian writers such as Edgar Allen Poe and Bram Stoker. Victorian fashions like corsets, lace, frock coats and pale skin are popular throughout the scene, but maybe none wear them with as much style as the Victorian Goth.

Like their Victorian role models, the Victorian Goths wish to convey an image of decorum and dignity. Clothes must be smart and, for many, historically accurate (corsets are to be worn beneath one’s garments, of course). Ball dress and mourning garb are particularly prominent in the scene.

Victorian Goths may also indulge in activities that were popular in Victorian high society, including theatre, masquerades, tea parties and poetry. And, naturally, any kind of Dickensian or other Victorian festival that gives them an excuse to parade around in costume (not that they need an excuse).
As for music, opera and classical are the true Victorian Gothic genres, but Victorian-inspired bands such as Rasputina are also acceptable